CHEM 263, CHEM 207
If you'd like to meet with me outside of the normal course selection advising campaign that is sent out each semester, you may do so by making an appointment through Navigate at least 24 hours in advance.
You may also visit my office hours (see below).
If these times conflict with your other responsibilities, you may email with your available times to request a meeting that works for you.
Location: CHEM 263
Schedule: T/TH: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Please note - students currently enrolled in my classes will generally be prioritized during this time, but all Forensic Science students are welcome to stop in.
If you are interested in working with me to write a capstone thesis paper in lieu of an internship or undergraduate research, you must set up an appointment or visit my office hours for an informal interview before I will agree to mentor you.