UNT Forensic Science Program Student Achievement (2021-2024)
Our program evaluates ~60-100 student applications each year. Our acceptance rate depends primarily on the quality of the applications and subsequent interviews, though the size of recent graduating classes may also be considered in some circumstances.
Acceptance and Graduation Statistics
School Year | Students Accepted into the Program | Students Graduated from the Program |
24-25 | 42 | 8 (Fall only) |
23-24 | 31 | 17 |
22-23 | 24 | 32 |
21-22 | 37 | 27 |
Students Enrolled in Each Concentration
School Year | Biochemistry | Biology | Chemistry |
24-25 (Fall numbers only) | 24 | 54 | 16 |
23-24 | 24 | 52 | 14 |
22-23 | 24 | 55 | 15 |
21-22 | 26 | 63 | 17 |
Internships and Research Projects Completed
2023 - 2024 School Year
- Rotation at Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (Edmond, OK)
- Forensic toxicology at Denton County Sheriffs Office
- Rotation at Tarrant County Medical Examiners (Fort Worth, TX)
- Digital forensic analysis at Denton Police Department
- Homoicide unit at Dallas Police Department
- Crime scene at Gra Police Department
- Rotation at Mesquite Police Department
- Rotation at Princeton Police Department
- Lab assistant at Quest Diagnosis (Denton, TX)
- Document examination at Weldon & Associates (Denton, TX)
- Forensic toxicology at Fondren Forensics (Fort Worth, TX)
- DNA analysis at UNT Health Science Center (Fort Worth, TX)
- Vehicular crash analysis at Armstrong Forensics (Arlington, TX)
Research at UNT
- Mosquito project with Dr. Macias
- Nanoparticles project with Dr. Golden
- LC-MS validation project with Dr. Williams
Capstone Project at UNT
- Innocence Project TX with Dr. Tanzillo
2022 - 2023 School Year
- Rotation at Denton County Sheriffs Office
- Case tracking and shadowing on legal matters at Denton County District Attorney's Office
- Evidence IQ at Denton Police Department
- Crime scene at Grand Praire Police Department
- Lab assistant at Quest Diagnosis (Denton, TX)
- Ink Analysis at Weldon & Associates (Denton, TX)
- Forensic toxicology at Fondren Forensics (Fort Worth, TX)
- Case consultation at Shaken Baby Alliance (Fort Worth, TX)
- Explosive analysis at Oxidor Labs (Plano, TX)
Research at UNT:
- Organic synthesis project with Dr. Golden
- DNA analysis project with Dr. Williams
- Drug solute desciptors project with Dr. Acree
- Triple Quad MS drug project with Dr. Verbeck
- Plant analysis project with Dr. Antunes
- Seed oils project with Dr. Alonso
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) project with Dr. Lund
2021 - 2022 School Year
- Rotation at DEA Dallas Office
- Rotation at Dallas County Medical Examiners (Dallas, TX)
- Fingerprint analysis at Denton County Sheriffs Office
- Nucleic acid extraction at DPS Forensic Crime Lab (Garland, TX)
- Rotation at Mesquite Police Department
- Lab assistant at Quest Diagnosis (Denton, TX)
- Firearms & toolmarks at Alliance Forensic (Fort Worth, TX)
- Forensic toxicology at Fondren Forensics (Fort Worth, TX)
- Vehicular crash analysis at Armstrong Forensics (Arlington, TX)
- Lab assistant at Antech Labs (Irving, TX)
- HPLC project with LaCore Labs (Frisco, TX)
- Translational gene therapy at UTSW Medical Center (Dallas, TX)
Research at UNT:
- Detecting fentanyl project with Dr. Golden
- Chromatography project with Dr. Acree
- Lase ablation inks project with Dr. Verbeck
- Restoration project with Dr. Gregory
Post-Graduation Success
Our recent graduates (2018-2024) have obtained employment with state, local, and private forensic laboratories and law enforcement agencies and have been admitted into a variety of MS, PhD, and health profession programs to pursue further forensic-related education or research. However, we do not consider these outcomes to be our only metric of graduate success for many reasons: additional laboratory experience can improve their competitiveness for the job they want, family circumstances prevent them from relocating to pursue the full variety of positions open at any given time, or sometimes, student interests and goals simply change. We consider the diversity of successful outcomes of our students as an indicator that our degree plan is not only effectively preparing our students to become forensic scientists, but to become resilient, effective scientists in a variety of applications no matter what life throws at them.
This data is based on publicly available information and alumni survey responses and is not comprehensive.
Graduate Success Statistics based on Survey Data
School Year | Number of Graduates with Job Offers | Number of Gradautes Accepted into Advanced Degree Programs | Number of Graduates Unreachable |
23-24* | 2 | 1 | 13 |
22-23 | 10 | 5 | 17 |
21-22 | 10 | 3 | 14 |
* we currently collecting responses
2021-2023 data is aggregated from post-graduation surveys and more recent professional/academic updates.
Employment Offers
Forensic Laboratories or Law Enforcement Agencies
- Garland DPS Laboratory
- Corpus Christi DPS Laboratory
- Armstrong Forensic Laboratory
- Fondren Forensics
- NMS Labs
- Lew Sterrett Justice Center
- Plano PD
Other Laboratories
- UT Southwestern
- Quest Diagnostics
- Cabot Labs
- QualTex Laboratories
- Bluebonnet Labs
- Ketjen Corporation
- BioChroma Analytical Labs
- SPL, Inc.
- AIT Laboratories
Graduate School Acceptances
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Tennessee
- University of Southern Florida
- University of Washington
- George Washington University
- Texas Christian University
- University of Houston
- Sam Houston State University
- University of North Texas Health Science Center
- Vanderbilt University
- Auburn University
- West Virginia University
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- University of Alabama-Birmingham
- Michigan State University
- University of Florida
- Texas A&M